since high school ive been depressed many times. it comes back. a few months after school had ended im sitting around and im like doing nothing but going to jr college 2 days a week. so im feelin down and i found out i need a job to leave this place. i start looking. it yeilded me nothing but i saved what little money i had bought a bus ticket and left for a week. i met some awsome mexican girl who was great for like a month after and dicked me around. so back to the drawing board. another year and a half goes by my brithday comming in once again hate the job im in, hate the town im in and so i found new work and a new girl but once again after about a month she dicks me around. im back at the board again. ive come up with nothing for a long time. after my trip to virginia i once again want to leave this place. ive finally realized 3 espisodes of mostly unprovked depression ive wanted to leave this place. so i think its time to leave this place. but i need help im not good at knowing when to leave. ha. im not good at all. so what sort of help do i need. i need my dear dear friend to help me get on my feet. will she. god only knows. and god if you read this thanks for nothing *the figner* oh! oh! *the other one*

The point of that was for you to know what you're dealing with so that it helps you fix yourself.