so ive been baja kit installing. everything with that is going fine except the rear lights. they came out crooked but evenly crooked. i'll just say thats how i wanted it.
doing some minor upgrades to the engine.a new oil pump/filter set up. works really well on saving bearing. really good shit there. ive been thinking alot about my future. its going ok but i think i should be finding my self steadier work. you know nose to the grind stone. kill myself while theres still something to kill. i dont feel im the best technician i could be. im trying to think about ways to keep my self motivated while changing some rich bitch's oil and looking at a bunch of other stuff. i mean you feel stupid changing some lady light bulb. i am getting paid decently for it but its blah. this is stuff regular people should do. these cars have sensors on them that tell you a bulb is out for christs sake. change it yourself! maybe im just bored because theres no one out there with me. maybe thats all it is. but when i get someone next to me i like im distracted talking or something stupid like that. its like im a massochist. i do some of my best work pissed off. so im still thinking of moving but yeah to where and what profession?

b. tadzi is coming to visit me