well san francisco was good. the sister of E.P.M. was annoying but all in all i had an awsome time with E.P.M. just like in virginia. the weather was awsome. it was like 105 here 3 hours away and 70 there. we walked ever where. so my legs were a bit sore going up and down those hills there. no wonder gay people are so in shape. i met her parents who i think still arent that thrilled with me. yeah i stoped cussing around them and i wore slacks. they said i was quiet which is to be expected of me in this sort of situations. the less i say most likely the better. her dad seen me like rub her arm in a affectionate sort of way and i got a glare. ha. so ive been motivated to get my volkswagen up and going again and ive got a big fat ZERO!!!! its amazing how i cant find anyone able to tell me enough about their baja kits to convince me to buy one. its total crap. im not willing to play the crap shoot either. i dotn know what to do i want to ditch the volvo. hijoles what to do now?!

fuck, all those comments above are from MEEEEEE. not rob.