well someone should be proud of me... after months of talking shit about it ive started runnign again and im not as bad of shape as i thought. i could have kept going but something in my shoe was being a bitch so i decided this is a good start lets not over do it cuz i may have a hard hard day tomorrow. soon ill be doing it better. a few years ago i lost like 50lbs. ive started to gain some of it back and well we cant have that. plus who evers boots i knock needs a me with a good stamina.it feels good. i was getting those lung cramps. god i hate those they nag you the whole god damned way.i want to go away on a trip. cross country for a few days. ive spent my life on the west coast id like to see the east.my long distance friend has offered to put me up and take me places. shes so good to me.everyone should be more like her including me. speaking of which i must apologize to someone on myt friends list...i think my comment comes off more douche baggish than funny as it was probably ment to. oh yeah joe cocker is the shit.
On Sunday I said...tomorrow I am going to go back on my low carb diet and start exercising....three days later I am saying...tomorrow I am going to go back on my low carb diet and start exercising....I try..I really do..and then my party friends call me up and offer to take me to places like On The Border...and everyone knows I'm a sucker for TexMex! Dieting was easier before I had friends! LOL I put on about 10 lbs over the holidays and it would be so easy to drop it during two weeks of induction....but my motivation has left me! lol