so it turns out i owe them money retro activly from the 2003/2004 budget. fucking idiots dont have decency to tell me until 2 damn years later. i really hate people they feel such a need to drag race me off lights for postion. its rediclous the amount of people who do it. everyday no matter what time of the day some asshole goes to the left lane to drag race off the light. they know and see im the fastest one off every light before and the fastest one going down the road and they still feel the need to try and occasionally win just jockying for postion where it goes from 2 to 1 dear dear friend is having problems with roomates i dunno why this happens but god damn people. clean your own shit as soon as its dirty.thats about all i got right this second
More Blogs
Monday Nov 06, 2006
LOOK!!!! i added some more pictures! -
Saturday May 06, 2006
i just added an ass load of pictures. -
Saturday Mar 18, 2006
so went to the dmv paid them more money and now i can drive my volksw… -
Wednesday Mar 01, 2006
well i guess i should update, even though no one reads. but im back f… -
Friday Jan 27, 2006
i got a bass and all i can play are 6 string songs. granted i know 3 … -
Monday Jan 16, 2006
ive been thinking more and more about counseling. i probably should g… -
Tuesday Jan 10, 2006
there are too many people fucking with me being me. -
Thursday Jan 05, 2006
ughh i had a bad dream im not ok this is not a good day at all. wi… -
Monday Dec 12, 2005
my journal is lacking some serious comments. oh well i think im done … -
Saturday Nov 26, 2005
well turkey day is over. it was ok. watched football mostly. this wee…
How are you doing other then owing a butload of money to the people? I hope well.. Hang in there.