well this week is starting on the bad foot like that. it started last week one of my most favorite people on the planet was baligerant towards me not in a bad way but just not able to hold a convo. so i was weirded out.so the mext day i get on line and check and check every 3 hours or so for her with no luck. her romate came on and told me she went to the hospital and would be released today.....today has come and ive got nothing. makes me really worried now. she keeps me sane cuz we talk everyday just about. so i go to work and they are having discussions and i found out that my boss wants to fire everyone and work with just the manager and he said no way. that pisses me off. i dont want to lose this job now.it fit me perfect.ughh i hurt god damn it. if i hear a fucking love song again today.... ill do nothing and just be bitter about it.
get shit done!

what?- I am totally confused- I just put up some new pics on the photosets of me.