well some interesting things been goin on.not really but i feel like talking and no one is around.some of you might remember someone i called babys mama. she went off the deep end and started talking dirty to me about hooking up. naturally i obilged that and told her id be over next week to give her some lovin. i dunno what the fuck brought that on but it was funny.ive been sick lately too. working and sickness sucks and ive had to do the bulk of the work at work. had to do a transmission on a transverse mounted engine for those who dont know its a pian in the ass of a long job. but thats all good. all thought the dip stick was broke and i fear where it may have gone in the transmission but its not on me cuz i pulled it out that way.fucking plastic.so my co worker is a punk for not wanting finish it up im off today and its ok because im still sick.my w2s even had problems. fuckign shit. i gotta call h&r today and isee maybe if they fit me in. that would be bitchin. i spent 25% of my income on tools this year and i hope this year is a bit different. less toolage but i get crazy with the trucks. haha. you seen my noid light set. 50 bucks for one ill use and well possibly 2. so anyways im hearing that will my tool spending will change my tax return if any. im gonna go be a responsable american and call them... well shit they're booked til saturday. so this saturday at 11. i believe the man owes me some money.apparently no one cared about my musical taste that much in the last one. come on people those were great songs and it helped people know War did other songs than Low Rider.man i wish this cold would go away and well im off to mow the bitchin lawn we have growing
well the lawn is mowed it looks nice and i feel good cuz its warm my white arms got sun and it was as close to a work out as i will get.
to those who deserve it and they know who they are
apparently The Used hass too much bass

apparently The Used hass too much bass

sex isnt everything??- apparently this is coming from someone who has not had it in a long time??-- ass! Am I right??

Yeah, I just don't understand the need to be mean to people. I mean, nobody is perfect. It also aggrivates the hell out of me how older members tear newbies to shreds. I mean, THEY were newbies at one point, and probably asked the same stupid questions! I guess they feel the need to do this because THEY got torn to shreds at some point..I don't know..I just don't have it in me to be overtly rude to people..even though I don't know them and will probably never meet them. I follow the golden rule to a T! lol I just wish everyone did!