UPDATE: well not much happening had alot of time off earlier in the week and other than that, nada.i put a new cd player in the volvo. the other one was old and barely playing the discs. i had this problem with a alpine one i had which i then found out why id have such problems is it was made in '95. 10 years a long time in disc technology.but the one that was in the volvo was a '01 model. shouldnt have this problem. so given the history i slapped another 30 bucks down and got it warantied (that looks like horrible spelling)for 4 years. so i was sitting around and i decided i gotta make decisions on the baja. the first place you start always ...wheels and tires. it determines alot. engine size, transmission gearing, ride height, suspension travel, brake bias, steering wheel size, steering box, and last on my list (although im sure theres more) shock valving. so pretty much you engineer a car based on what you use it for and what will contact the sufrace first. sure you can build from a motor out, but then you want to start from scratch. here im trying to build with the basic IRS/torsion bar 1600cc stock geared car. so it limits my options but i still want a respectable lookign car and i want all the components to not be over kill for a daily drive but still can do some stuff in the dirt. never the less ive done a no no and skipped in the book to the wheel and tire section to help me figure out what can i stuff on to this car to get a stance look other than pizza cutter tires.for me this is uncharted territory and i will not stand for tire rubs or other teenage mistakes so much thought has to be put on on these things.i need some acess to some one who knows tires. but then again i think i need to take care of the baja kit before tires. so maybe i should actually be reading that section over the wheels in tires. and now that i wrote all that shit about wheels and tires i think that should be my first step and getting the brake and light inspection and get it relisenced the remod everything after the state says yup its good. i need money this 40 hours in 2 weeks just inst right. think they are playing favorites at work. i show up monday this week and i was done in 4 hours i haul ass when im there. and he says "ok, go home call me in the morning" so i did and we have a short convo that he says "nothing today i dont think tomorrow, im trying to load up thursday and friday but im not so sure about thrusday" that was that i didnt go tuesday i called wednesday no one answered i wake up to a very rude awakening(the phone ringing) my boss asking me why i wasnt at work. i told him no one called me for thursday and i was told it was a maybe. so i call the office to the manager. he cant remember what he told me. so whats that mean? the boss has no clue and the manager cant remember.so he says ill call yuo if people come in. so a hour goes by no call. i call him back and hes busy so i know theres work. so i was told the manager would call me back. he normally doesnt do work luike how i work so him being busy meant he was working on cars. so i call him back and he says nope stay home. so i go in friday heard they spent more than all day there. which is rediculous they know im fast. they know im fairly accurate with my diagnosis.(i say that because im not 100% yet) so i spent all the way til 4 o'clock.they let me go home while the other dude is trying to work 2 cars at once. i feel unwanted there im not sure why. i do good work i dont stir any shit. i work when im there. its true i want to go home but i want to go home when there is nothing left for anyone to do but pull car in and turn off the lights. for the past year i was their work horse if they could depend on me theyd do it. yeah i vonteered days off earlier in the year to give another guy some hours and i dont mind a occasional day off. but what the fuck?why do i fall so quickly out of favor with people? other than the manager ive been their longest employee. i get no vacation time no over time hell i dont get my $13.50 for working with my own tool and i only bitched about that once. they gladly gave me the raise when i proved to them it was law and they still didnt give it all too me.i dunno mami would say to quit and so would the dearly departed peggy. but i cant theres no place like this i just want them to know im there when you need me.
and I missed this place.