so i looked in the mirror. not the clich long or hard looks either just a reflection one. i dont see much. im lost with very lil direction or enthuisiasm. i also have no idea how to get geared up for anything. i dont have much to look foreward too. im building a baja bug...then what am i gonna do with it?theres no desert to use it in.that and it takes alot of money which doesnt seem to grow on trees.i dont have a girl and no clue how to find one. they usually fall in my lap. so my reflection basically tells me im a loser.
p.s. if anyones is a van morisson fan id kill for the song "wild night"
p.s. if anyones is a van morisson fan id kill for the song "wild night"
have fun vegging! I plan on doing that the rest of the week that the house is all organized...YAY!

Yes, actually I do have ocd...and I WAS on prozac, but it stopped I've been off it for like a week now....and as a result..have a TOTALLY clean and well organized, the only bad thing is, eventually I will probably start getting WAY too anxious and stressed out...I'm already starting to get nit picky about the house...poor Vandilous and the kids...oh well...they know I'm mentally weird! lol