what a fucked up week huh people? jesus christ how can 59 million be so affraid of gay people? all they want to do is lick your cooter and tongue your bung people! relax some ass play might loosen you up.i totally agree with the man Jon Stewart. everything went the democrat way and we still get our ass handed to us.so i got a raise still not as much as i asked for. but more money. so ive got a list going now to fix the volvo up alil so it looks pretty.now i gotta get to work and get parts comming.ive been trying to win rocky horror show tickets. with no luck. ive been caller #1 and busy signals more times than i can count. i want to get a tattoo again. ive got a list of things i want to do but with no one to do them with i dont do them. so i work with some ass clown republican who listens to all this talk radio on the AM stations and it drives me up the wall . 1 rush limbaugh is a fat whore who harps consiracy against the "liberal media". 2 sean hanity is just retarded and a bad american who swears kerry was the divider for saying "filthy lies" and hes a bad american. anyone who listens will know what im saying 3rdly Zell Miller is a old fucking geezer whos went off his meds. he wrote a retirment speech where he out lines how the democratic party should have won and if they were smart they would do this and do that and one and on well if this mother fucker was so smart and knows how to win the presidency why didnt he step up and run or why didnt he step up and offer help to get this guy elected instead he kept his mouth shut and went over to the supposid enemy and did stump speeches. what a fuckin whore is there anyone deathly loyal to anyone or anything these days? fuck zell miller. i made the best pizza ive ever made tonight you people who even read this should be happy. garlic was a under lying theme of it. it was great. so my eye ball is perfectly healed. my not being carded streak is still alive.
uhmmm.....ick..that sounds kind of nasty....

I almost called you yesterday, but it was 3:30pm your time and I didn't know if you would be home or not.