well a few days have past since my last entry not much is going on im tired. work has been going smoothly thanfully. since jeff took the header my boss has scheduled pretty well and today was clean house day we got rid of stuff that was hanging over head.10 more days.yesterday the matco dude did something very disturbing. he went over to jeffs box and took a socket set he had gotten from him and paid very lil on. then tried to offer them me as a "good deal" and i said i dotn need them and even if i did if jeff ever came back god knows i woulndt want him to see his name ingraved in tools in my cart/box.i told the snap on man soon as i seen him i dont even want to see you doing that.fuckin people.no on has the eric clapton song i want god damn it.tomorrow (friday)is pay day yee haw big money.
me happened to me.
ug...whatever. i don't need any more boy toys.
wednesday proved that to me. i only get people into
maybe i should go and live up in the mountains of
nepal and meditate for the rest of my life. it seems to
be the only alternative for me. if i live anywhere else
ill just go around breaking things and people.