i had a freaky dream last night.im a huge fan of burritos and i have a favorite burrito place but it was in a weird place where i take a dirt road well i was with the mom and she drove past it and we came back and we order and they had a surcharge for driving by the place too fast so i go back in and complain alil and they said tough shit i had my mom drive by again and i flipped some dude off inside so he chases us alil and some how i left my mom behind and im like in a subway and i figured im easily lost ina crowed and i ended up walking past him with out his notice well i hear gun shots and i go back and hes shot some kid and people are saying he didnt like him he sees me i smile at him and laugh thinking he wont have the balls to shoot again he points the gun i take off running he shoots wildy and gets me once in the back he chases me more i round a corner and i get shot 2 more times in the back and in the neck i feel blood gushing from my neck and i turn to see hes outa bullets so i stick my finger in the hole in my neck i turn around and i take the gun from himbeing left handed and shot twice in the left shoulder i try beating him with the gun and then i woke up. the funny part is is i had my finger on my neck.
in other big news. i went into work and my new buddy/ co worker had a car wreck and is in a coma...i gotta step up at work and fix all the cars.eeek. me and the clean up kid Jaime are gonna go see him tomorrow.but wow has this year been a huge train wreck. losing stuff and work is tough everyonce and a while making it hard to deal.....
in other big news. i went into work and my new buddy/ co worker had a car wreck and is in a coma...i gotta step up at work and fix all the cars.eeek. me and the clean up kid Jaime are gonna go see him tomorrow.but wow has this year been a huge train wreck. losing stuff and work is tough everyonce and a while making it hard to deal.....

second of all, sorry i didn't le talk to you...i've just been REEEEEEEEL busy and it sucks.
thirdly, do you drink tea?
Is it so wrong I still wanna lick that blood droplet off your lip then bite you even harder and make you bleed only so i can lick that off too? I heart your profile picture sweetie
Have a great weekend sweets