so today was more work finally. it was ok. some perplexing problems.this lady is driving me nuts swears she smells raw gas. and theres no reason. so im doing a pin voltage test on the thing. and i ran across a few bad items. and my meter is grounded to a good ground.but if i used otherr grounds provided throught the computer sopme were right and some were still wrong... so we are just "what the fuck chuck?" why do people and cars have to be so retarded and defy all logic?i personally think the lady is a hypocondract....she brought smog tests in for the last 6 years. her co2 and o2 levels are rising... well duh! it happens but its not bad. shes just looking to find stuff wrong with the car.i cant get a decent nap in these days either too much shit goin on.other than that im a ok. so im thinking more about this ladys car.... if the pin voltage chart is right....and this ECT sensor is that far off but the injector pulse width is normal and so is everything else... the fan operates like it knows the right temp.....why is it even seems we are using bum numbers maybe?
Yeah, the little button thing is on the seat...I just never looked there apparently! Funny how I discovered it while drunk! lol And NO...I wasn't driving! Vanny was! So is it the volvo that has A/C problems or my caddy? We actually just had to get the A/C was showing it was out of freeon (or however the hell you spell it) but the pressure was fine and wouldn't let Vanny add any, so we actually had to take it to a mechanic to add freeon! LMAO...and it wasn't cheap either I would like to add!!!
I never saw the recent Catwoman and probably won't ever.