well today was a waste of gas i worked alil over 3 hours.its dead tomorrow though seems to be a busier day. i worked on 2 peoples car did some shop clean up. i bought these nifty lil holders to put on the tool cart 4 months ago and i finally got around to putting them on. worked on my car alil fixed a fan that was unplugged for god knows why. so i worked 8-11ish but stayed til 1 doing my own thing. i also blew out the radiator intercooler and condenser with my new tool. i went to the bank and they didnt have any pens out so i can do my envelope i was pissed. so i said fuck it and im going to the bank by my work tomorrow since they are nice enough to put pens out. i did get a cheese cake a expensive ass cherry cheese cake. so that will be fore later though.i came home though and looked around my moms car shes about to have her accessory belt come flying off so i gotta get her a new one. i blew her radiator and condeser out. then did my dads to finda broken EGR valve again.... bad cap and rotor and he tells me he popped an engine mount... so im like dude idiot we gotta change it it looks cake. but they cost 75 bucks blah blah blah. he needs to do it!i should save them some bucks and do the moms cam belt but i think it maybe alil out of my reach as a drive way job ya know... so they might have to really take it to a shop.my cart looks nice now...but it seems cluttered. im gonna have to see how it works out. trail by fire....UPDATE....today was still gay had all that work and still only made it 3 hours worth. rediculousness. im still tired. i stat from 11 30 ish til 1 again. then i went and wondered around the mall for god knows why...it s 1 on tuesday and the mother fucker was packed dont people have jobs to be at?god knows i dont. so im not sure about tomorrow and who knows it could be better than today. but my co worker is pissin me off. he lives close and he takes of and leaves me there to wait just in case and well tomorrow it wont be like that. jerk off. i also seen the service manager since his surgery and acting like he didnt do what he did over the weekend. i get the cold shoulder... on days like these it makes me question ever getting up filling the tank driving the 30 miles to there to work for 3 hours and do nothing. its kinda not worth it even though i need money we should be alternating days. so im not driving 60 miles for 3 hours of work. and then napping in the shop or doing something in 1 or 2 cars. i need to get that fucking vw home and start figuring what i need to do to it. so i got the new used cd its pretty good the opening is killer. the last song is good. the last track on the first one was bad ass too minus the wait to get to the hidden song.
yeah.... omg, i hate the halloween ostumes we've been getting in... they are all like uber slutty this year, kind of bothersome

Hey what's up? Damn you've been busy! You do a lot of things for other people. Do something nice for yourself today. (aw, isn't that sweet. fuckin a. i think I'm gonna be sick)