so i think im burned out. i dont want to go to work sometimes. and when monday is up im wondering when is friday and why isnt it 5 yet. maybe its cuz each day can be a challenge. but i dont like this burned out feeling. J.C. mother fuckers im 20. i cant be burned i need something to go on for? work for? something i got nothing and no one. so going some place doesnt sound so fun.cuz i got no one to go with. so what can i do?
i know right, it sucked cause with all the sickness there was no one to work for me, so i worked full shifts the past two days and i was sooo yucky feeling i could barely move
i would have, but there was literally no one to work, the store wouldnt have opened if i didnt go in and then we'd be fined 100 bucks for not opening