and the sky was the limit. thats how it always another week shot in the ass. i turns out we were paid for monday isnt that a shocker?so yeah that hundred i got. well ive worked alil each day on the VW and i havent gotten too far one ball joint half way down 3 and a half to go.
. haha its a tough lil job to do it this way.luckily i have some tools and alil talent to get it under just worried before i get a chance to finish it off someones gonna do shit to the car. so its kinda boring today been biting my nails and the race is on tonight.then theres football tomorrow. so yesterday was a interesting day. the other tech made blackberry wine so his wife as she often does brings him stuff well she brought him a bottle and around 3 we got it open it was fizzy wine.haha between the 4 guys left we drank the bottle like the high school days. the service manager was gettin silly. we were still working and we asked him some stuff and he giggled and said i dont know and it was simple questionsim bored and wishing i had something to do. so i guess ill be planning a feast for dinner then cooking it. vaya con dios mi amigas

i used to work 'regular' hours. I'd get up and six and go to the gym before working at 9. I hated it!
man, i blow every week. i always start out monday thinking "today is the first day of the rest..." okay you get the point. and by sunday i got nothing to show for it. not even a few ideas bouncing around the skull. im a waste of space .