ive come to realize that i am my own worst enemy. i cant have anything go right. sounds so cliche but i know whats up i know whats down i know whats left i know whats right and this isnt right.do i have some disease? is there a medicne to ease stupidity?where are my good times? they went away as soon as i became the full fledged memmebr of society. all my time is taken from the time ive awken all day i feel (dare i say foresaken?) foresaken where is my angel to guide me did she give up and leave?did i lose all potnential to be great?is this why i hate my self? are you trying to get me to give up. its working. theres a bottle on my dresser with my name on it and i hear it would be nice to swallow them all.i wouldnt have to worry about anything anymore.yeah the luxury of sweet release. how i wonder how much more it will take this i cant fake a knot deep inside but i will burry and hide i feel the love tonight
I heart Chico. Where do you work?
bosch the security and closed circuit tv company.