well im adding some new pictures i dont know how to add them on here. wow im so not ready for this next week i need a vacation or something just to get tired of doing nothing.so i cut my hair...so no hair pulling for a lil while. i cut my lip too. all in the pictures.so umm yeah....
theres a bad moon on the rise. well im realizing quickly i cant afford 2 cars. so my plan work harder diagnose better. i think i gotta sit down and do the stuff by the book. get the real answer instead of chasing the usual suspects. then when i ge tthat experience down i can alter my technique.i think that will lead to less comebacks and well better pay. well baby girl is gone for a while and i got no one to talk to on here.

i gotta tell you that i just scrutinized the lyrics and i can't see any references to god really. that's not to say it's not a depressing album. because it is. tell me what genres of music you're into?