well i in the past 10 minutes realized i have 7 days left with my rental car.there no way in hell ill get my settlement and the parts and my car fixed by then. so now im pissed the autobody place took well over a week to estimate it even with me breathing down their throats pissing off secretaries.so i clear them then i had to ride the insurance alil just for them to drag their feet to agree with the autobody place for a week. so then i get a call 2 oclock friday that she wants all my recipts for my car for the work that ive done. so of course i work an hour from home and i cant do it til today soooo 3 weeks shot in the ass.now im pissed. its too late to go back and yell at people so i just either gotta drive the dads straight six the size of a 302 small block watching the money fly from my pockets with gas just ever so barely under 2 dollars a gallon.or i can barrow the shop car....hijoles thats scary. so im thinking oh i dont know. i cant think about it.well im moving on past that. ill freak out later this week.i got a new cd not the one i wanted but the same artist. man did they start adding more effects to their music.i was looking for more songs like styrofoam boots and trailer trash and im slightly dissapointed not as many good songs on this record. the lonesome crwoded west still blows me away, good news for people who like bad news is alright. not really the best. the downers in lonesome crowded west are what i like and this one wasnt really all that down. i dunno maybe the moon and antartica will be better. i have high hopes.
Not much. Tired from working. What about you?