well i found some disturbing things on my computer...adware!
where and how i got it is beyond me.i think i got rid of it andi hope so. pretty soon i should be getting cable internet. hopefully then i can be able to download shit to protect me alil better. but then that opens doors too. so its mixed bag to how that will go.im alil unhappy with norton antivirus. at my work they use AVG and Spykiller and adaware to b lock some of this shit but it would take me days to even get close to getting them downloaded.well my week end has been long i dont want to go back to work my car we will find out more tomorrow and i just want to keep my dad out of the mix as much as possible.this virus scan is moving so damn slow its not cool.i need to get away from my parents they are too all up in my shit to where i have to explain everything like they still pay for everything. they dont get it that they need to back up let me get all my things taken care of.my nephew is here and ive added a picture or two.tomorrow is work and i just ughhh thinking about it problematic cars are still there. luckily its only the low 90s this week not 100s like last but nowcomes one of the hotter months of the year so we'll see how long the low 90s last.hello to the friends that read this and to the non friends who read it as well. hope is well with everyone and one in particular and she knows who im talking about. adios

no big deal