well today sucked ass i had to work and my manager was staring a tthe rental and noticed a dent and a scratch and i have absolutly no clue how it got there or even if it was there to start and im all fucked up.luckily i work next to a rv collsion repair they say it looks like all the scratches that were there to start happened at the same time and they buffed out the scratch for me so i hope they dont question the dent.ill be praying. my parents came home. assholes. they gotta tell me how great everything is.everything sucks. i had a nice lil conversation with a barista. i talked to her once she asked my name and i was wearing my uniform. and then after she asked she put 2 and 2 together, and today, she didnt ask and i smiled and told her she didnt forget and and reminded me of the last time and then we talked shop of all things the poor girl hasnt had her car from the mechanic in a month. and i explained how hes screwing her alil and she said i wish i could have taken it to your shop. and i asked what it was a nissan....oh well we specialize in volvos....damn im stupid.i want to go back and talk to her more. she was very cute.hijoles i gotta go again maybe ill write more later...so when i last left i went to call the auto body place and the guy i talked to friday and monday lied out of his ass to me. i wont find anything out til monday. i got really pissed and went back off. i called work and the car from hell still wasnt done and i got another call at 6. the problem was the calipers were made for vented rotors and not solid. so we chased our ass for 3 days all because of the wrong parts that look exaclty the same.....
cuz u and babygirl seem to talk alot......so just call eachother....and thats it.... 
