well today was ok. i got off early but left my bank card at work....so i still havent cashed my paycheck. i found the shoes i want....so maybe tomorrow ill get that taken care of. addidas black w/white stripes.i went to the hot topic and looked thru their records....they have 45s too
but all of them sucked. sublime has put out some awsome records. very color full and of course great music. BUT i have all their cds...so why buy the record?i fucked up twice at work today. haha it was horrible.i think they whant to take it out of my check. screw that shit. shit happens and im dreading tomorrow i think i bent 2 tubes way outa shape
so now im gonna have fix or hope they are ok. god its scaring me now.ill be fine.i know it.so yeah i guess thats it... peace bitches

a model??....me?? why would you say that, are being silly??

Perhaps it is...or just mindless boredom....here's to you getting your everyday necessities taken care of..i.e. cashing cheks and buying new kicks.....adios