long week ive actually worked it full 8 hours. yay i get a large paycheck tomorrow.its taken the toll though.... ive gone back to sleeping at 10 30 ish. they are thinking of closing the shop the last week of the month which is good the whole house to my self that week. im gonna clean the house up especially my room. it needs it. so my shifter broke yesterday and no one had a new one so i had to go to a junk yard... and its alil worn out. i can accidently hit reverse down shifting. my other shifter was a positive reverse lock out and a short shift. im going back to that cuz it took less effort to downshift and i dont half to hear reverse grinding anytime soon.

i think a rebuilt one was going to be more expensive. everything in is going to be up to standards and it comes with a warranty...so....eh...i really hope it works out okay..
Miss you.