21 new channels and i still cant find a damn thing to watch! the cars rule. so look out the laneys are nit picking...their car will be back ill almost garentee it.not for anything i did wrong but to say we didnt do this or fix that. just wait until i suck a timing belt out of them.anyone who reads this wont know what im talking about unless you are josh or ivy.im loving system of a down...that first album i dust it off every few months and it blows my mind. the second one ehh and ive never heard the third i heard froma good source it wasnt worth the time...the first is just great. i see this place where my "good source" was trying to take me in hunnington beach on the food network. so now im all weird. that night it went all down hill. i love weekends i bum around and i look unemployed.
Because I hate all the weird aim's I get when I log on.