Last night was awsome. I saw Disturbed and got to meet them. The radio station 97.3 had a rafful for people to go in before the show and have a meet and greet with Disturbed. The people runnin it told one of my friends that they could put their name in as many times as they wanted, so we put about a whole stack of the slips in. Once my friends gets the pics developed im goin to have them on here.
The concert was so great cuz theyre not really on tour yet and they came to Bogarts, which is not a very big place for a band like them. I want to see them again so bad now.
I saw one of my friends from school there that i havnt talked to sence graduation. I let her infront of me, so she could see, and so she wouldnt get crushed by everyone else, sence i was at the guard rail. She said i was the greatest and her hero cuz i tried to keep her from bein crushed.
Well thats all i can think of and i dont know what im goin to do this week or next week.
The concert was so great cuz theyre not really on tour yet and they came to Bogarts, which is not a very big place for a band like them. I want to see them again so bad now.
I saw one of my friends from school there that i havnt talked to sence graduation. I let her infront of me, so she could see, and so she wouldnt get crushed by everyone else, sence i was at the guard rail. She said i was the greatest and her hero cuz i tried to keep her from bein crushed.
Well thats all i can think of and i dont know what im goin to do this week or next week.