It's time for the smile of the week again. =)
This week im presenting a girl that i have already has had as smile of the week earlier. Unorginal you say? Well maybe, but when the dream girl and my favorite hopeful has a new set out it's quite hard not to choose her again. <3
Obviously, we are headed to France again to take another look at the breathtaking, beautiful valkyrie known as @Eveowl. Just look at her, it's the first time ever i have wanted to be reborn as a chocolate chip cookie. ;)
Now that my little speech is out of the way, go take a look on her sets, and you will see that im right. Give her plenty of love and together we will convince the powers that be at SG that she deserves to go pink. <3
It's from her set Cookie Thumper
Photographed by @Jupiter