I went home for Melissa's wedding this week. Sadly I really only had time to go to the wedding. I can't believe my friends are getting married. the wedding was very Melissa. It was really nice to see her again.

I almost got stuck in Sacramento last night cause Southern California is on fire again. Classes are canceled today and tomorrow and the professor I work for had to evacuate his home. San Diego is pretty much surrounded by fires right now. Fortunately they've gotten a few under control. Hopefully they get it taken care of soon, the air quality is so bad they've canceled class because they don't want people going outside. I wish I would have been stuck in Sacramento. I feel kinda trapped because there's fires on several sides of San Diego right now.

I almost got stuck in Sacramento last night cause Southern California is on fire again. Classes are canceled today and tomorrow and the professor I work for had to evacuate his home. San Diego is pretty much surrounded by fires right now. Fortunately they've gotten a few under control. Hopefully they get it taken care of soon, the air quality is so bad they've canceled class because they don't want people going outside. I wish I would have been stuck in Sacramento. I feel kinda trapped because there's fires on several sides of San Diego right now.
How was HIM???