School started two and a half weeks ago. Its going pretty well I think but my Cogs 102 class (distributed cognition) is so boring! All we've talked about so far is ship navigation. WTF mates? I just want to learn about the brain, hence why I'm a cog sci major. I don't care about Naval ranks, ship layouts, or outdated navigation (thanks to gps). Oddly enough I'm enjoying my computer programming class more than this one.
My roomies and I got kittens! We have three right now but we're only going to keep two, the brown one and one orange. Any name suggestions?
Tonight my roomies are having a party for Sammi's birthday and I am really not looking forward to it. There's going to be way too many people in our small house playing drinking games on our brand new carpet. I quit drinking and going to parties cause I have better things to do but this one I can't get away from. I have no where else to go but I really don't want to be home tonight. I didn't tell them they couldn't have a party cause it's their house too but I want nothing to do with this party. I have the only downstairs bedroom which means I am the one who definitely cannot go to bed till the party dies. Plus, almost everything in the living room that is subject to being trasher is mine (lamps, tv, entertainment center, couches, etc.) When we were on campus I didn't care unless someone went into my room (which was all to often) because it was old carpet and furniture that didn't belong to me and I almost always joined in on the drinking.
I was going to rant about some of the people in my lab who are never available to work but I'll save that for another day, I think I've ranted enough for now.
My roomies and I got kittens! We have three right now but we're only going to keep two, the brown one and one orange. Any name suggestions?

Tonight my roomies are having a party for Sammi's birthday and I am really not looking forward to it. There's going to be way too many people in our small house playing drinking games on our brand new carpet. I quit drinking and going to parties cause I have better things to do but this one I can't get away from. I have no where else to go but I really don't want to be home tonight. I didn't tell them they couldn't have a party cause it's their house too but I want nothing to do with this party. I have the only downstairs bedroom which means I am the one who definitely cannot go to bed till the party dies. Plus, almost everything in the living room that is subject to being trasher is mine (lamps, tv, entertainment center, couches, etc.) When we were on campus I didn't care unless someone went into my room (which was all to often) because it was old carpet and furniture that didn't belong to me and I almost always joined in on the drinking.
I was going to rant about some of the people in my lab who are never available to work but I'll save that for another day, I think I've ranted enough for now.