its official i am a father of a lil baby boy Aidan Edmond weighing in at 7lbs 3 oz he is 20 3/4 inches long it has been a long couple of days we went through 23 hrs of labor before the doctor said we needed to have a C-section which was a little dissapointing cause we worked so hard at having a natural birth that we were kinda bummed to have to go into they hand me a paper outfit and tell me what the process is going to be they walk me with her in her bed still and lead me to a side room where i have to wait while she is prepped for surgery as i was sitting there i was a little worried for her i started to cry cause i knew how scared she was and i was scared for her i had to breath a little bit cause i couldnt let her see that i was worried i needed to be strong for the both of us i went into the room they had her lying there on the table they jestured to a stool where i was to sit i sat down and looked at her a tear running down her cheek she was being so strong i was impressed i held her hand for a few minutes before the doctor said "father get your camera ready" im typically queasy when it comes to blood so i was unsure what to expect the doctor aid ok hes comming out and i looked over the shield to see them pull my son out all bloody and gooey but i didnt care i immediatly look at her and said "hes beautiful" and i showed her the piture of our son on the camera she started crying with me i took a few more pictures and showed be cont...
Oh wow happy for you guys

congratulations mister!!!!!