Another day another 35 cents :p my new projectors might be here today the ones I had before weren't bright enough and the lenses weren't I'm a projectionist...I'm working at the convention center setting up the next corporate pat on the back wonder show send me some love make my day go by faster
ahhhh today is the last day of this show...I start a whole new one tommorow should be awesome.
I had a hard time dragging my butt out of bed this morning as my alarm went off @ 4:30 am. I got out of bed, went into the bathroom and sat there with the light on for many minutes trying to wake up. No luck, I... Read More
Yey for being at work at 6:30 but luckily I only have a half day but the rest of the day will be filled with unpacking boxes and cleaning the new apartment
all moved now the daunting task of emptying all the boxes and putting the belongings away begins. Last night i got the TV and all the entertainment unpacked and set up...just in time for the season premiere of lost i got more rest last night and took care of some morning business so all is well i feel very rested and refreshed and hope it... Read More
well i honestly cant remember the last time i blogged...well life has kinda become more and more hectic for me i feel like im spread too thin i working soo much and i dont have anything to show for it it seems im broke im frustrated and tired im sure it will all get better soon but hopefully sooner than later here is a new... Read More
NEW BLOG TIME...and i dont know what to i had a bad driving experiance the other day...i was rather excited to be going home one day after working 11 hrs hopped into my truck turned it on and started to race out of my parking spot when bam i hit the column i was parked next to the entire time boy oh boy did... Read More