fire fearys response to the entry below ... lol
fucking A. lol. you know, i didn't have many girl friends in high school... and it was because most of them had the kind of attitude it sounds like that girl has. it is... satisfying... in a cheshire-cat-grin sort of way to hear about that kind of bitch eating shit all night 8-)
only my friends who laugh about me crushing a girls spirit to the point of making her suicidal ... lol
fucking A. lol. you know, i didn't have many girl friends in high school... and it was because most of them had the kind of attitude it sounds like that girl has. it is... satisfying... in a cheshire-cat-grin sort of way to hear about that kind of bitch eating shit all night 8-)
only my friends who laugh about me crushing a girls spirit to the point of making her suicidal ... lol