I've been pretty silent the last few days. I feel like a pretty big jerk for not going to the NYE party and not saying anything. I'm sorry. I was at another party, and I just got too incapacitated to party hop down there.
I started my new job today. It's totally overwhelming to the point of not knowing even what questions to ask. We went around to a bunch of the facilities. We saw them assembling the trucks--from start to finish, it was pretty impressive. The engines are the size of my car, basically, and the turbocharger is the size of my head!
It seems pretty chill;I'm even thinking that this corporate ladder thing is to my benefit. I'll be busy with reporting and I can do that. That way, I can ease into the stuff I don't quite know.
I'll be moving to SE Woodstock next month: anticipating everything goes according to plan. My friend is buying a house, and I'll be a roommate. It's funny: I never thought I'd have a basement room, but I'll have one. That's just how things go. "How Usual!"
It's a totally rockin' house though. It's beautiful (on the inside) and it has everything really. There's a covered porch, a really neato kitchen, a really open floorplan, a downstairs family room and just really neat. It feels good.
I'm getting pretty antsy, though. Even though it's only been a day since we looked at it. Hillsboro just doesn't cut it anymore. It'll shave off about half my commute, and I'll be in SE Portland, for Crissakes!
I started my new job today. It's totally overwhelming to the point of not knowing even what questions to ask. We went around to a bunch of the facilities. We saw them assembling the trucks--from start to finish, it was pretty impressive. The engines are the size of my car, basically, and the turbocharger is the size of my head!
It seems pretty chill;I'm even thinking that this corporate ladder thing is to my benefit. I'll be busy with reporting and I can do that. That way, I can ease into the stuff I don't quite know.
I'll be moving to SE Woodstock next month: anticipating everything goes according to plan. My friend is buying a house, and I'll be a roommate. It's funny: I never thought I'd have a basement room, but I'll have one. That's just how things go. "How Usual!"
It's a totally rockin' house though. It's beautiful (on the inside) and it has everything really. There's a covered porch, a really neato kitchen, a really open floorplan, a downstairs family room and just really neat. It feels good.
I'm getting pretty antsy, though. Even though it's only been a day since we looked at it. Hillsboro just doesn't cut it anymore. It'll shave off about half my commute, and I'll be in SE Portland, for Crissakes!
congrats on the job and potential move... you'll be close to a lot of the people i love... or just adding to the ever growing list in that neighborhood 

No, I think you deserve a spanking, mister... that is, if you're not all spanked out