The desperation of the moment lives within all of us, but to rise above it and embrace each moment as a lesson learned will only make us stronger.
Wow! The Davinci Code so many are upset over it. Wow! Is all I could say. Truly, my opinion it was a tribute to women. Did Jesus really favor her over his disciples! Did he really cherish women as his equal counterpart.
If that is true I can honestly say now, he is my hero! There were no words to describe what I felt after leaving that movie. It made me prouder than ever to be a woman and to see that Creator made woman to be equally as powerful.
Whether that story had any truth behind it is irrelevant. One thing is sure history has always found ways to keep women down, the witch hunts was a good example. I dont care if he was man or messiah anymore, having been raised to believe he was the son of god. I just believe in how he led his life filled with compassion and love for everything. These are the lessons of Reiki!
Some day the lies that man has told will be revealed through the truth of what really happened. I will be waiting for those answers, waiting for them as patiently as Creator waits....but in the meantime, I am going to smoke a spliff and rejoice in being alive!
Hope I didnt offend anyone, but really I dont even care, hahahahahaha
Wow! The Davinci Code so many are upset over it. Wow! Is all I could say. Truly, my opinion it was a tribute to women. Did Jesus really favor her over his disciples! Did he really cherish women as his equal counterpart.
If that is true I can honestly say now, he is my hero! There were no words to describe what I felt after leaving that movie. It made me prouder than ever to be a woman and to see that Creator made woman to be equally as powerful.
Whether that story had any truth behind it is irrelevant. One thing is sure history has always found ways to keep women down, the witch hunts was a good example. I dont care if he was man or messiah anymore, having been raised to believe he was the son of god. I just believe in how he led his life filled with compassion and love for everything. These are the lessons of Reiki!
Some day the lies that man has told will be revealed through the truth of what really happened. I will be waiting for those answers, waiting for them as patiently as Creator waits....but in the meantime, I am going to smoke a spliff and rejoice in being alive!
Hope I didnt offend anyone, but really I dont even care, hahahahahaha

The kingdom of Heaven is within you.
Reiki. Universal life. The Big-Daddy-Momma-Hoo-Ha. God. THe Uncarved Block. Tathagata. However you want to say it, it just means Everything.
What Jesus and Mary M. were really saying is not at all what it became in the "Church".
Lots of good reading: "The Aquarian Gospels of Jesus the Christ" which tells of his studies of middle eastern spirituality. "The Gospel Of Mary Magdalene" which is a translation of the scrolls that illustrate her teachings. The Lamsa Bible, which is a direct translation of the Bible from the Aramaic. VERY different than the King James.
Yeah, I dig da Jebus!
Thank so much for the perfectly-executed birthday wishes, sweetie. Yay Geminis!