Well I usually do not remember my dreams. But this one is worthing writing about. Often I dream about being stuck in a school, never leaving, but usually its a normal looking school, like modern. The ppl are normal too.
Anyways this dream was so different I really thought it was happening and everything, including the ppl seemed so real.
I noticed right away that the school was different this time, it had the same layout, but it seemed to have goten a bit midevil.
I found myself running and hiding most of the time. People just wanted to get out of the building. There was a weird weather storm happening and for some reason everyone was terrified of the weather. At some point I followed this girl down this doorway, that had an old latch on it, we started to walk down this staircase and realized that everything was looking older, and more dusty and just ominous feeling. Each little landing had a room you could look into made of stones. It was an amphitheater of some kind. As the girl continued to walk down, I told her to come back, but she kept going. I turned around and ran back up the stairs.
When I got back up to the "normal" part of the school the lovely Mellisa was there waiting for me. She's like hurry, hurry, there coming, there isnt time. So we started to run, we were being chased by all these ppl in these costumes. It was very weird. Somehow we ended up in a room with all these costumed ppl, but that was their real guise.
Finally Mellisa led me through this warehouse and somehow we ended up outside, the winter had turned to summer. It was nighttime out. We started to run, because we knew we were about to escape, all the time Mellisa is saying dont look back.
We passed these 2 creatures or ppl, Im not sure what they were, but imagine Spiderman, 2 of them, cept the suit they were wearing was all black, where there eyes were and mouth, this yelow light came out. They were by far the creepiest part of the dream. They yelled at Mellisa and I to wait, they had our dogs for us, they said, laughing, and they havent eaten in awhile....holy shit, as soon as the first mangled paw came up out of this trapdoor in the ground, we started to run, we ended up in the backyard of someone house, we could hear the dogs at this point, thats when Melissa said I got to go now, she disappeared and I forced myself to wake up....
Ive had some scary dreams in my day, but this was by far the worst, thanks Mellisa for helping me through that one
The school was like Hogwarts for the mentally insane, ugh, im tired of dreaming about school...i wish i knew what it meant
Anyways this dream was so different I really thought it was happening and everything, including the ppl seemed so real.
I noticed right away that the school was different this time, it had the same layout, but it seemed to have goten a bit midevil.
I found myself running and hiding most of the time. People just wanted to get out of the building. There was a weird weather storm happening and for some reason everyone was terrified of the weather. At some point I followed this girl down this doorway, that had an old latch on it, we started to walk down this staircase and realized that everything was looking older, and more dusty and just ominous feeling. Each little landing had a room you could look into made of stones. It was an amphitheater of some kind. As the girl continued to walk down, I told her to come back, but she kept going. I turned around and ran back up the stairs.
When I got back up to the "normal" part of the school the lovely Mellisa was there waiting for me. She's like hurry, hurry, there coming, there isnt time. So we started to run, we were being chased by all these ppl in these costumes. It was very weird. Somehow we ended up in a room with all these costumed ppl, but that was their real guise.
Finally Mellisa led me through this warehouse and somehow we ended up outside, the winter had turned to summer. It was nighttime out. We started to run, because we knew we were about to escape, all the time Mellisa is saying dont look back.
We passed these 2 creatures or ppl, Im not sure what they were, but imagine Spiderman, 2 of them, cept the suit they were wearing was all black, where there eyes were and mouth, this yelow light came out. They were by far the creepiest part of the dream. They yelled at Mellisa and I to wait, they had our dogs for us, they said, laughing, and they havent eaten in awhile....holy shit, as soon as the first mangled paw came up out of this trapdoor in the ground, we started to run, we ended up in the backyard of someone house, we could hear the dogs at this point, thats when Melissa said I got to go now, she disappeared and I forced myself to wake up....
Ive had some scary dreams in my day, but this was by far the worst, thanks Mellisa for helping me through that one

The school was like Hogwarts for the mentally insane, ugh, im tired of dreaming about school...i wish i knew what it meant

Strange... several times a year I dream about being in school, but I'm the age a I am now, and it's a feeling like I HAVE to be there.
I quit highschool (twice, actually!
Any ideas as to what your dream might mean?
(Oh...congrats on the lowered fines and all that with court! Yes... miracles do happen!
Love to ya
interesting dream.
I have sometimes have a recurring dream where there's a class at school that I've forgotten about and I'm really behind. Then I have to run around and try and find the class.