So friday night my frind came over for awhile. Then around 11:45, the man showed up. It was weird to say the least. I still enjoy his company so much. It wasnt too painful, this time. In fact I mad ea giant pizza roll, amazed him with my culinary talents. We talked for along time. I finally understood him, and he me, i think so anyways! He, later asked me if I wanted to give him a massage, truly I did. So I did, I mean thats how we met anyways, no big deal. He got a hard on, who knew. He cant help it he says. Well, needless to say, i couldnt help myself....but I didnt fuck him, as much as I wanted to
I realized though, that he still wants me, he has more feelings for me then he will admit, but he is not worthy of me, of my devotion...but I will continue to love him and be his friend without expectations...and I will continue to get the truth. A man who speaks the truth always is a good man in my eyes. Truth is everything to me....
Saturday, Leeann and
Raven_wing came over to my house. We had fun, and Leeanns baby was quite entertaining. A very outgoing one year old going on I was suppose to do Reiki and hypnosis on my friend...instead it was gradual at first, but my energy depleted and I started to get weak...i attributed it to my fybromyalgia. By 330 am i was puking my guts out for at least 4 hours. It was weird. I still amw weak and feel weird and rubbery. Raven_wing is sleeping in my bed, and my kids will be coming home. As sick as I feel I am not good to do Reiki or hypnosis, oh well...
I am still smiling though...
Will be writing to all of you soon

Saturday, Leeann and
Raven_wing came over to my house. We had fun, and Leeanns baby was quite entertaining. A very outgoing one year old going on I was suppose to do Reiki and hypnosis on my friend...instead it was gradual at first, but my energy depleted and I started to get weak...i attributed it to my fybromyalgia. By 330 am i was puking my guts out for at least 4 hours. It was weird. I still amw weak and feel weird and rubbery. Raven_wing is sleeping in my bed, and my kids will be coming home. As sick as I feel I am not good to do Reiki or hypnosis, oh well...

I am still smiling though...

Will be writing to all of you soon

I hope all is well with you lovely. How are things otherwise?