UPDATE!!!!I just want eveyone to be clear. the poetry doesnt bother me so much, in fact the poem that was sent to this person I have never posted here, it was my most inspirational peice of work...however i will post it to diffuse her simple little plan. I am upset that one persons false words have led me to be "booted" from the pen pals group. Have you ever heard of Hitler....man if everybody had listened to what he said we would be so fucked right now....and know this plagerizer...my style cannot be duplicated becasue my words come from a higher source and it is my gift not yours.
Thanks for all of the love...if i do stay its only because of my friends here...it shows the character of people who listen to the whole story before passing judgement. If I had time i wuld start my own group, but I got to begin preparing for my hypnosis business...I would post the name of my business, but she might try to steal that too, lolery...can i puke now!
Ok...Im gonna vent like a mofo! So be-fuckin-ware! Im gonna be blunt and i dont care if I get booted off this site or lose any freinds i have gained out of this journal experience.
To the person who thinks they can run off with my poetry and then complain about me out of sheer jealousy---fuck you!
Quite frankly now i do not feel comfortable being here...you won, you reduced me to a level of tears like when i was in the third grade and someone stole my lunchbox....i hope your lying self is happy.
Thank god/dess i found my real self today. Anyone who wishes to continue to talk to me can find me on yahoo. Karma is a nasty bitch, its gonna come back at you ten fold, and keep in mind i do know who you are. I have met some great people here, and any of you who wish to continue to talk to me, i will email you all seperatly with my contact information. I feel bad for getting angry. If anyone wants to be my penpal, i guess we will do it privately and away from this site.
I think this is so sad...i hope your happy with yourself. You know who you are...but remember this i am psychic, i know who you are,
just for one day i will not anger...this just made me see truth in even simpler terms...love to all of you who have been my friends and never judged me.
To you plagerin fool...its time for you to go back to school.
Thanks for all of the love...if i do stay its only because of my friends here...it shows the character of people who listen to the whole story before passing judgement. If I had time i wuld start my own group, but I got to begin preparing for my hypnosis business...I would post the name of my business, but she might try to steal that too, lolery...can i puke now!
Ok...Im gonna vent like a mofo! So be-fuckin-ware! Im gonna be blunt and i dont care if I get booted off this site or lose any freinds i have gained out of this journal experience.
To the person who thinks they can run off with my poetry and then complain about me out of sheer jealousy---fuck you!
Quite frankly now i do not feel comfortable being here...you won, you reduced me to a level of tears like when i was in the third grade and someone stole my lunchbox....i hope your lying self is happy.
Thank god/dess i found my real self today. Anyone who wishes to continue to talk to me can find me on yahoo. Karma is a nasty bitch, its gonna come back at you ten fold, and keep in mind i do know who you are. I have met some great people here, and any of you who wish to continue to talk to me, i will email you all seperatly with my contact information. I feel bad for getting angry. If anyone wants to be my penpal, i guess we will do it privately and away from this site.
I think this is so sad...i hope your happy with yourself. You know who you are...but remember this i am psychic, i know who you are,
just for one day i will not anger...this just made me see truth in even simpler terms...love to all of you who have been my friends and never judged me.
To you plagerin fool...its time for you to go back to school.
You are one of the sweetest people on this site...This really makes me mad!