Ok, it is time to vent! I am so weary of users. They are every where. Even those people who have inspired me to help them have used me.
Ok, so this friend of mine asked me for a favor early in the week, which required my credit card...it was only 22$, but she assured me that come friday she would pay me back. Then 2 days later she asked me for another favor, 1) to borrow her twenty dollars for her husband for gas...yet i realize now that I hadput gas in her car, so ovbiously i was having a ditz moment! She asked me for another favor, 2)it required $ , yes, but it was more product that I dished out, and generously I might add! So now she owes me 60$, and the worst thing is this: she is avoiding my phonecalls and my IM's, what the f*%@ is that! I really thought she was my friend.
The saddest thing of all is this: when the time comes and I may need one of my friends help, as the impending doom of losing my job, still exists; I will have noone to count on. Noone has ever helped me in my time of need! My circle of friends that is, its hard to explain...i certainly do not meany any of you fine folks here, its always the ones within arms reach
She is always pointing out the users to me; and I have had many. This hurts more that she turned out to be one of them, bc when you have any "expectations" especially of another person, eventually you will become disappointed! I have not cried yet about it, losing another friend. She is here online as we speak, ignoring my Im's as if I were a peice of shit under her shoe.
I know there is a lesson here: but on the brighter side, you know what my horoscope said! You have one of the most generous spirits. You are like a charity foundation all your own, (haha), however, the stars are watching, and they will reward you!
So I did not get too see my movie, it was so cold last night that I decided, like a cat with his paw in a puddle, that I would stay in. Went to bed early, slept ok, but now my fybromyalgia is kicking my ass today! So it will be as cold, if not colder here today.
I want to make a comment about freedom, and "W" ovbious disdain for it. The dictionary's definition of free and freedom is a long one. No where in the word or description in the word does it talk about limitations. One man will judge and say what his perverted idea of freedom is I cant believe the cattle we call the American people are going to run straight for the cliff, and when the head bull carreens forward, spiraling to his death, we will all tumble with him, broken hooves and all
Look out, cause the other bull has had some target practice...so the stragglers will be pegged off at the end, to thin the herd....god/dess I want to vomit on their shoes, and say...look what you made me do? Anyway, it may or may not make sense, what I just said, but I dont care, I am just tired of seeing the disappointing side of the human race....
this is why i am here my lovely's, because I do not feel disappointed here. I will speak my mind and not worry about any of you fine people judging me, and if you do, who cares, right, after all its a free country, or so we think?
I will write something more eloquent later, this is just a bitch session But I have alot to say, have a bit of writers block, so I am trying to warm up my brain! ..
Ok, so this friend of mine asked me for a favor early in the week, which required my credit card...it was only 22$, but she assured me that come friday she would pay me back. Then 2 days later she asked me for another favor, 1) to borrow her twenty dollars for her husband for gas...yet i realize now that I hadput gas in her car, so ovbiously i was having a ditz moment! She asked me for another favor, 2)it required $ , yes, but it was more product that I dished out, and generously I might add! So now she owes me 60$, and the worst thing is this: she is avoiding my phonecalls and my IM's, what the f*%@ is that! I really thought she was my friend.
The saddest thing of all is this: when the time comes and I may need one of my friends help, as the impending doom of losing my job, still exists; I will have noone to count on. Noone has ever helped me in my time of need! My circle of friends that is, its hard to explain...i certainly do not meany any of you fine folks here, its always the ones within arms reach
She is always pointing out the users to me; and I have had many. This hurts more that she turned out to be one of them, bc when you have any "expectations" especially of another person, eventually you will become disappointed! I have not cried yet about it, losing another friend. She is here online as we speak, ignoring my Im's as if I were a peice of shit under her shoe.
I know there is a lesson here: but on the brighter side, you know what my horoscope said! You have one of the most generous spirits. You are like a charity foundation all your own, (haha), however, the stars are watching, and they will reward you!
So I did not get too see my movie, it was so cold last night that I decided, like a cat with his paw in a puddle, that I would stay in. Went to bed early, slept ok, but now my fybromyalgia is kicking my ass today! So it will be as cold, if not colder here today.
I want to make a comment about freedom, and "W" ovbious disdain for it. The dictionary's definition of free and freedom is a long one. No where in the word or description in the word does it talk about limitations. One man will judge and say what his perverted idea of freedom is I cant believe the cattle we call the American people are going to run straight for the cliff, and when the head bull carreens forward, spiraling to his death, we will all tumble with him, broken hooves and all
Look out, cause the other bull has had some target practice...so the stragglers will be pegged off at the end, to thin the herd....god/dess I want to vomit on their shoes, and say...look what you made me do? Anyway, it may or may not make sense, what I just said, but I dont care, I am just tired of seeing the disappointing side of the human race....
this is why i am here my lovely's, because I do not feel disappointed here. I will speak my mind and not worry about any of you fine people judging me, and if you do, who cares, right, after all its a free country, or so we think?
I will write something more eloquent later, this is just a bitch session But I have alot to say, have a bit of writers block, so I am trying to warm up my brain! ..
OMG, Gerard Butler is Hotty McHot-hot.
Thats why I never loan to friends. If they need, I just give it as a gift. If they are a good friend, they will give something back when they can.
She is ignoring you because she is embarrassed...not out of disdain. For whatever reason (intentional abuse, or inability) she cannot repay you, knows she ultimately used you, and is now too embarrassed to look you in the eye. However, that does not smack of a true user...as a true user has no fear of looking you in the eye and will continue to ask for more until you eventually say fuck off.
It would be a shame to lose a friend over $60. The best thing you could do, to allow her to save face, would be to ask her for help with something she could do without cash, but that has at least a $60 value (like help paint, or clean the garage.) Dont mention the money, that is not the point. The point is...when one person is always taking, and never has the opportunity to give, that person will eventually fall away from shame.