Ok, no sleep sucks so bad. I am feeling overwhelmed right now, and down. I had the greatest conversation last night with my turkish lover, a breakthrough, of sorts. This morning , after a great night with my best friend and SG member Raven_wing i just got bummed out big time. He finally tells me how much he really loves me, i mean i felt its worth, the meaning of his words. It was in black and white, in ink, on page, something i could keep, to know just how special i really was to him. Happy Vanentines Day, my new laptop deleted our conversation from last night...all insomnia induced and raw human emotion...and its lost to the empty archives of my new computer...fuck you o stupid laptop.
On a alighter and brighter note, i am happy to say that i was able to perform reiki on Raven_wing and it was a full moon as silverevepointed out. Perhaps this is the real reason why I did not sleep, not to mention she brought me 2 new Lemurian crystals. I wil l take some pics to post of my stones.
To those i have promised information too, i am getting it together as we speak. Ihave info scattered between bot th of my computers, so patience my beautiful ones. I started to take Lemongrass and Frankincense interanally again, the premonintions started almost immediatelyt. I had 2 yesterday,both came true and it was unnerving to say the least.
Thank you Raven_wing fgor teaching me how to upload images and to put in the members name, i am truly a visual learner, so this was all it took to make me learn. Iam going to atempmt to sleep, im making too many mistakes here, my eyes feel like they have rocks imbedded in them
A comment about V-Day: just another day to me, a day filled with expectations and dollar signs. So chocolate will only hurt my teeeth, so if i can get laid, ill consider that on the upside,but if I dont, thats why i have my handheld on standby! Its all good, and my life is good! Who cares about paper hearts, when real ones are being broken and families are being torn apart by war, racism, and apathy.

On a alighter and brighter note, i am happy to say that i was able to perform reiki on Raven_wing and it was a full moon as silverevepointed out. Perhaps this is the real reason why I did not sleep, not to mention she brought me 2 new Lemurian crystals. I wil l take some pics to post of my stones.
To those i have promised information too, i am getting it together as we speak. Ihave info scattered between bot th of my computers, so patience my beautiful ones. I started to take Lemongrass and Frankincense interanally again, the premonintions started almost immediatelyt. I had 2 yesterday,both came true and it was unnerving to say the least.
Thank you Raven_wing fgor teaching me how to upload images and to put in the members name, i am truly a visual learner, so this was all it took to make me learn. Iam going to atempmt to sleep, im making too many mistakes here, my eyes feel like they have rocks imbedded in them

A comment about V-Day: just another day to me, a day filled with expectations and dollar signs. So chocolate will only hurt my teeeth, so if i can get laid, ill consider that on the upside,but if I dont, thats why i have my handheld on standby! Its all good, and my life is good! Who cares about paper hearts, when real ones are being broken and families are being torn apart by war, racism, and apathy.

Oh, and before I forget...
Have anything special planned? I hope you have a wonderful day with whatever it is you end up doing!!!!!