Insomnia is rearing its ugly head again, so here i sit on SG reading all of you peoples fine journals.
This weekend was fun, positive, and upbeat. I hung out with my girls, and my best friend Leeann, and her daughter.
Today she came over and things got a little flirty between us, which was unusual but very exciting. Her husband and she had gotten into an aguement, he had too much too drink, and he pushed her down and she dislocated her shoulder. She said it hurt bad so i did reiki on her. Well first she said it got cold where my hands were placed, but within moments her front pain was gone. the back tingledfor awhile. i felt the heat radiate off of that shoulder. After about ten minutes I took my hands away. She said her pain was gone, and at midnight she stil had no pain.
well she was freaked out, but happy
i was happy to help her. I scheduled a massage with my friend, but she backed out at the lats minute. O god/dess i wish i had an extra set of inspector gadget hands, i so need a massage.
I am watching The Dreamers still, its almost over, i may sleep, but at this point i am not sure, my brain is rattling again, and loosely at that. LOL Melissa this ones for you
Anyhoot, i am going to study my next reiki lesson, and try to become one with the universe, my crystal will being sleeping with me tonight
This weekend was fun, positive, and upbeat. I hung out with my girls, and my best friend Leeann, and her daughter.
Today she came over and things got a little flirty between us, which was unusual but very exciting. Her husband and she had gotten into an aguement, he had too much too drink, and he pushed her down and she dislocated her shoulder. She said it hurt bad so i did reiki on her. Well first she said it got cold where my hands were placed, but within moments her front pain was gone. the back tingledfor awhile. i felt the heat radiate off of that shoulder. After about ten minutes I took my hands away. She said her pain was gone, and at midnight she stil had no pain.
well she was freaked out, but happy

I am watching The Dreamers still, its almost over, i may sleep, but at this point i am not sure, my brain is rattling again, and loosely at that. LOL Melissa this ones for you

Anyhoot, i am going to study my next reiki lesson, and try to become one with the universe, my crystal will being sleeping with me tonight

I don't have a neat catagory I place my beliefs in as well. Pagan is the closest I can come. I follow the Lady and I believe in her consort, but I pray to Her when I need guidance. My beliefs dip a little into Asatru or Heathenism and I am more inclined to follow the celic paths. I am half Norwegian with a Irish last name, maiden and married. It's what makes sense to me.
I make my own candles and put my thoughts and energies into each one, and I think about what that candle meant to me when I burn it, but I don't really create any spells per se.
Relevantswitch writes poetry. Again I think the words are pretty, but I'm left pondering what exactly does it mean.
He's has this thick folder of writings and poetry from when he was stationd in Colorada and New York. The ones about his ex wife I pick up on loud and clear, but otherwise it's like "blah blah blah *pretty word* blah blah"
He and Shekinah are the good ones for getting what you write.
I'm rambling so I'll sign off now