- on hotpinkauras's page
I am leaving here , SG, as of September first. To those who I have befriended, thank you for your friendships. I love each one of you....embrace the eternal light that you all are.
light love and blessings
light love and blessings

we all gotta leave sometime. best of luck

This place isn't the same as it used to be, is it? I feel it too. Keep in touch, I've got your myspace.
The quiet bliss of the day annoints my mind...
I can finally relax and start to unwind.
There is a poem on the verge here...lol
later beautiful ones
I can finally relax and start to unwind.
There is a poem on the verge here...lol
later beautiful ones

Why did you take your pics down?
How's Minnesota treating you? Well hope you have a great day. Peace
Yeah, Im around....does it really matter if Im here or not.
have a great day all
have a great day all

Indeed it does, dear. It certainly does.

My shout out for the awesome pendulum. I'm sorry you didn't see it when I wrote it, I hoped you would.
I've missed you! But I understand that sometimes we have a LOT going on in our lives. My mom is fine now (thank God), but I still have my grandpa living with me, and I've started a new job which makes me work like 9-10 hours a day.
Hope you're doing well - love ya!
~ Joanne
I've missed you! But I understand that sometimes we have a LOT going on in our lives. My mom is fine now (thank God), but I still have my grandpa living with me, and I've started a new job which makes me work like 9-10 hours a day.
Hope you're doing well - love ya!

~ Joanne
I must have wrote this in my sleep, for real, I have no idea.
It was in my notebook when I woke.
The dreams have been constant, so much, I wrote a poem
in my sleep, lol...it can be funny if i let it.
I dont want to dream and see your face. I dont like to wake
and feel misplaced. The agony of this...
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It was in my notebook when I woke.
The dreams have been constant, so much, I wrote a poem
in my sleep, lol...it can be funny if i let it.
I dont want to dream and see your face. I dont like to wake
and feel misplaced. The agony of this...
Read More
Ah that sounds just lovely.
bring a bottle?
bring a bottle?

Hey there. Been a while since you've been around, hope you're doing alright!

So hello to all my friends here.
Ive been gone awhile. Life seems busier
than normal these days. Im back in College.
I have taken on a new business venture. I am making pendulums and
necklaces. All based on the colors of the Chakras. Will post some
pics if anyone is interested let me know. They all are similar
but different. Very close to getting...
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Ive been gone awhile. Life seems busier
than normal these days. Im back in College.
I have taken on a new business venture. I am making pendulums and
necklaces. All based on the colors of the Chakras. Will post some
pics if anyone is interested let me know. They all are similar
but different. Very close to getting...
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I`m glad mate

pop to koala`s page late on to see all the books I`ve been reading.
The most mind boggling is Gurdjieff`s Teachings
The most mind boggling is Gurdjieff`s Teachings
The distant rebels of time scurry in the wake of the Creators trembling fury.
Watch and wait as time ticks by. See the angel of night saddened by deaths plight,
perched on high gathering a storm cloud. Waiting and trembling at the cleansing that
has begun, drifting into the smoldering shadows, a glimpse of what is to come.
The prophecy is incertain because there is...
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Watch and wait as time ticks by. See the angel of night saddened by deaths plight,
perched on high gathering a storm cloud. Waiting and trembling at the cleansing that
has begun, drifting into the smoldering shadows, a glimpse of what is to come.
The prophecy is incertain because there is...
Read More
I'm shivering.... part panic attacks, part coldness.
how are you?
I'm shivering.... part panic attacks, part coldness.
how are you?
oh yeah, busy as fuck

So go check out my website: www.lovehealingcompassion.com
Its in the progress of being built, yet I feel that I am
accomplishing a great thing.
The snow settles over the land, mystifying the children
as they look out their windows into the night.
They see the glintng like diamonds shining on white silk.
Remember Saint Nick as he frollicks in the night, with his
reindeer, and...
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Its in the progress of being built, yet I feel that I am
accomplishing a great thing.
The snow settles over the land, mystifying the children
as they look out their windows into the night.
They see the glintng like diamonds shining on white silk.
Remember Saint Nick as he frollicks in the night, with his
reindeer, and...
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This one is a little dark :
Blame me my friend...blame me for the pain,
blame me for everything.
Rotting away benieth the sand, feeling the cold
decay of death in my hands.
I sense your lonliness, escaping like the darkest soul,
crawling up from a cold black hole, you run away from
my sight, fleeing into the pitch of the night.
Forgetting that I...
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Blame me my friend...blame me for the pain,
blame me for everything.
Rotting away benieth the sand, feeling the cold
decay of death in my hands.
I sense your lonliness, escaping like the darkest soul,
crawling up from a cold black hole, you run away from
my sight, fleeing into the pitch of the night.
Forgetting that I...
Read More
dark indeed, but provocative too. Very nice, as always.

I love all of you.
I am getting ready for the christmas festivities.
For anyone who wants to know what religion I am, I will tell you I made this one up, Pageo-Christi....anyone want to join.
I am going back to college. I got ripped off on monday buying a new/used car, then I took it back WEdnesday. Then my computer blew up....lol....shielding and grounding...
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I am getting ready for the christmas festivities.
For anyone who wants to know what religion I am, I will tell you I made this one up, Pageo-Christi....anyone want to join.
I am going back to college. I got ripped off on monday buying a new/used car, then I took it back WEdnesday. Then my computer blew up....lol....shielding and grounding...
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virtual cuddle then 

I'm game for joining...I already thought of part Christian and part Wiccan long ago..."Chiccan." LMAO
By the way...I think your Reiki really helped during a very difficult time. If you resend me your address (I know I saved it, but my b/f's friend did some repair on my PC), I will send you a little something.
By the way...I think your Reiki really helped during a very difficult time. If you resend me your address (I know I saved it, but my b/f's friend did some repair on my PC), I will send you a little something.

I feel lonely and cold and with noone to hold.
The world whirs by without a sound, no chance
to go on the rebound. Love is in the air tonight,
a place to be, a place I might...a place where I can
rest not fight. This soulless empty pitch has spilled
over, an unhinged glitch...Where does a stitch in time
save nine when nothing is...
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The world whirs by without a sound, no chance
to go on the rebound. Love is in the air tonight,
a place to be, a place I might...a place where I can
rest not fight. This soulless empty pitch has spilled
over, an unhinged glitch...Where does a stitch in time
save nine when nothing is...
Read More
hi darling !! we haven't talked in so long it seems ! i'm doing pretty good.preparing for the holidays and my wedding next year
. how are YOU doing?

Where did you disappear to, ladyface?
Things are getting tough, and I could go for some relaxing words.
Things are getting tough, and I could go for some relaxing words.

So I suppose it is time for a proper update.
Life is just strange and beautiful, i guess.
I started to date a new guy, well, things just didnt go as planned I guess. I feel like I have a problem picking the right one. Dont know why, thought I had fixed that problem, sanyways.
Had a holloween party but noone came, just 2 people...
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Life is just strange and beautiful, i guess.
I started to date a new guy, well, things just didnt go as planned I guess. I feel like I have a problem picking the right one. Dont know why, thought I had fixed that problem, sanyways.
Had a holloween party but noone came, just 2 people...
Read More
I'd love to come experience a night at your house, party or not! It just seems like it'd be a nice place to hang out and be cozy. But hey, if you still have your decorations, that means that you won't have to buy new ones next year. Could be a good thing.
You can't stop yourself from choosing who you want to be with. Even if it means you can't stop yourself from choosing who you DON'T want to be with. You're in tuned with yourself, you know these things.
Its actually quite the beauty of being and independant human. Once you find what you're looking for, you'll know it and I'm sure you won't wishy wash yourself out of it. I just recently learned that though I thought I had let people slip through my fingers, it was all because my life was making room for one person that I never knew existed. So good luck, happy hunting!
You can't stop yourself from choosing who you want to be with. Even if it means you can't stop yourself from choosing who you DON'T want to be with. You're in tuned with yourself, you know these things.

Awe Sweetie, I would have come to your party if I had the chance. You're always such a kind person. I can't imagine people bailing out on you. Maybe one day we'll meet or chat on the phone or something.
Feel free to IM me any time!!!!!!
Much Smooches Love Bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel free to IM me any time!!!!!!
Much Smooches Love Bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehehehe! Life rocks!
love to all, just taking a wee break , but im still here, ttys!

love to all, just taking a wee break , but im still here, ttys!
hey sexy

Pff, what is it with girls and vampires?