hello everyone...sorry i went awol there for a couple weeks lol. it's been really busy here with the holidays and people moving in and out and all...i think i've went a little nutz lol. how was everyone's turkey day? Ray and I went to a casino the other day and we took like 50 bucks...not alot...just enough that if we lost it all it would be ok right? well I won 400 bucks! that came in soooooooooo handy right before xmas
One of the reasons I haven't been updating is i'm having some problems with my teeth...I need like 3 root canals done...so i've been doped up on Vicodin for the last week, so forgive me. I really really really hate going to the dentist, so i've been trying to work up the guts to make the appointment...sighhhhhh...anywayz...hope everyone is doing great...love you all and happy holidays guys!!

I really should get mine fixed, but money is so tight. I don't even know how I am gonna pay for Christmas presents this year.
Blah. Realization on this is just setting in. Methinks it is time to smoke a bowl.