ok...so for those of you who wanted to see the new place...there are now pics up of it in my pics...now mind you...i took these pics with a webcam cuz i'm too po to afford a digital cam yet...so bear with me k?
how's everyone's weekend going? we went bowling last night...well...the guys bowled...i watched and cheered lol...one of these days i'll work up the courage to throw a few bowling balls myself...see i have this habit of getting to close to that line where they start oiling the lane...so i look really great flat on my ass in the middle of a bowling lane lol
anyways...hope everone's weekend is going great...today it's raining for the first time since like April of this year...I absolute love the rain...and it's a sunday...can you say cuddle time?
take care everyone!

Hope you are having fun with new place, the pics look ok for a web cam, the place is coming along nicely.
Anyway will drop by again soon, give your little girl a hug from me and untill next time