sup everyone? nada much here...just a couple things on my mind...i hate it when i dont trust someone but they've never given me a reason not to trust them...sighhhh...and...ain't the new SG Aiden just HAWT as hell?!?!?!? pic of me in the new place up...babygirl i'm working on the pics of the new place for ya
it's not much, but it's ours for now lol everyone take care

Not much going on here, other that what I have told you for the last few times we talked. Painting, cleaning. My living room wall no longer has wallpaper and you know what was under it? Nothing, not a damn thing, just drywall. So now I sand it and patch it so we can paint it.
Hope to see you online soon!
how's everything? how hot is Aiden?
take care