Hello all....keep your fingers crossed for me and Ray to get this cute little apartment
ya know how you can have a lakeside view? well...here in modesto we have canals...for all the farms and stuff around right? well...this apartment is right next to a canal...i told Ray, "look baby, we have a canalside view" lol ok...so it's next to a canal...but it's a cute place with a pool and a sun deck and a bbq area, and it's cheap and we can afford that
and sendmeanangel...you'd be in heaven here right now cuz we are yard saleing everything this weekend and the next 2 lol 
Hope all is well with everyone else...i'm just trying to stay sane during this move...i HATE moving! Eric...where the hell are you? stay safe everyone

yay yardsale, got any cheesey religious figures?