so what's on everyone's agenda for the weekend? i know it's only wednesday...but can you tell i'm waiting? lol my mom is taking the kid and going on a week or two long vaca...this will be nice. tell me something new going on your lives

So, I'm sitting writing some emails and the dog starts barking. I look out the backdoor and see some guy in a white t-shirt and shorts up a ladder on my telephone pole: then my internet and cable go out! So, before I can get out there he is gone: I mean, ladder and all.
I call the Cable company: no one has been out there. Phone company? same story. No one lets their employees dress like that at work. Odd, odd, odd.
So, I go back there while waiting for the Cable Guy... and step on an F***ing Rusty Nail!!!! So, I get a Tetanus shot tomorrow. Yay me. At least I found it before the kids did, you know?