Hey everyone...so got paid yesterday and i'm broke already...being poor just blows ya know? i am so far below the poverty line that the damn thing is laughing at me. was hoping to have some extra cash to buy fireworks for the 4th...i love fireworks
we are having a bbq for the 4th like we do every year, cept this year people are actually coming lol...we normally invite everyone on the block and usually it's only us and the house next door and the little old lady down the street...but this year everyone said they were coming...it's cool...nice to have everyone...but i told my mom, "do you think maybe it's cuz we're selling the house and they are like...'this may be the last time we can' lol" so ya...my mom decided to sell the house...and omg are freaking realtors assholes!!! the bastard told my mom 'well...i think it would really sell faster if your daughter and her bf were to move out right away'!! can u belive that shit? i asked my mom if she told him to suck her dick and she said no...i just told him you guys didn't have anywhere to go yet...whatever! so now Ray and I are both totally looking for jobs like maniacs so we can get our own place cuz my mom is totally leaving us in the lurch here...sighhhhh....oh well...tis life i suppose...mine at least...ok...so one of you have to have some good news to make me feel better about the world right? right?!?!?! what is everyone doing for the 4th? babybirl...how goes the buying of the house? mr clean...how was the vaca? take care everyone

did i mention you are hot? just checking.
Selling ahouse is SO not fun. I hope it goes quick and easy for you guys. I'm feeling so self-centered right now, I totally wanna answer your questions from before.
1. if you could go anywhere in the world...anywhere...where and why there?
I'd go on a road trip from Chicago (home) all over the entire country and maybe like loop up through Canada and drive back that way. I don't care too much about the actual where I'm going as much as the actual going. I like the trip. So Bruce Lee...it's not the destination but the journey. Love it. Good question. :o)
2. what do you think is your best quality?
Truthfulness. Not so much in girl scouts "I'll never tell a lie" sugar cookie honesty, but like acceptance or what is...truthfulness about what's really going on. Even if it isn't nice or fortunate. Somehow acceptance of real stuff makes shitty stuff a little more fortunate I guess. In some way.
3. favorite color...this is important, to me anywayz lol
I can't choose. I'd say I identify with red but I love all the shades and tones within it's reach so that's like everything from orange to pink to purple to brown and those stretch into blues and greens and yellows and then all the rest follow. I just like color. I like bold color. And of course I love black, and silver....and then all shades of cream and white....see? can't choose...
4. coke or pepsi?
Diet Coke with Lime, Freezing cold regular Pepsi
5. if you could talk to a dead person...who would you chose?
My guardian angel or myself from another life. I know I'd give it to me straight. I'm not down with fluffy spiritual answers to questions...yes or no will do just fine. No sugar coating needed. Just tell me where they hid the burried treasure. Dead people rule.