2 weeks with the bf living with me and we are doing good...haven't murdered each other or my daughter lol...she's been a bit nosy bout it all...trying to sneak into our room at night lol...her b'day party was fun...the semi-laua went nicely...but they had my fat ass in a grass skirt! lol *note to self: lose the hips before going to Hawaii for reals. seriously i coulda put someone's eye out with that skirt when i moved my hips! lol looking for a job really really sux ass
it's always we'll call ya..k. i need a road trip really really soon here people...anyone wanna come get me? lol
thanx mr clean for your advice on loving life...i'll try, tis hard when everything you want is sorta not going the way you want to...but i get it
now lemme see if i can get youse guys to answers some questions for me...i'm taking my cue from shicawgo
love that woman peoples
1. if you could go anywhere in the world...anywhere...where and why there?
2. what do you think is your best quality?
3. favorite color...this is important, to me anywayz lol
4. coke or pepsi?
5. if you could talk to a dead person...who would you chose?
have a great week everyone...I
youse guys!!

1. if you could go anywhere in the world...anywhere...where and why there?
2. what do you think is your best quality?
3. favorite color...this is important, to me anywayz lol
4. coke or pepsi?
5. if you could talk to a dead person...who would you chose?
have a great week everyone...I

2. I would definately say my sense of humor. It's gotten me out of a lot of trouble, as well as in a lot of trouble.
3. If it's not Black, It has to be Dark blue. Though sometimes I think naked flesh is enough.
4. Neither. It's all about the water, or Moxie.
5. Hmmm...dead person huh...I had a cousin who died when I was 13. If I spoke to her I'd say, "Can you really see me picking my nose ?"
1. I would go back to Cleveland because I miss my friends and it is so much fun there in the summer time! Not all hot n' crappy like FL.
2. Sense of humor, I make myself laugh all the time?
3. Can I have more than one? Because I like more than one. Please? red, sea green/ocean blue? and ULTRA violet.
4. Beam or Jack n' Coke....but most likely you'll catch me drinkin water.
5. My Grandpa because I never met him!
Heart Erie