Easter Dinner at my best friends place was freaking fantastic! Mom is taking the kids to the mountains tmr and i'm free! I loooove having my bed to myself lol...now i have a question for everyone...how the hell do you ever know if someone you are seeing is freaking sincere? I hate not knowing if what they say they feel is really how they feel. anywayz it's totally starting to heat up here and the pool was freaking awesome last night
too bad it's a community pool...some skinny dipping would be too cool right now
have a happy monday everybody!

Now about your ? theres and old saying that goes 'by their fruits so shall ye know them' fuck knows what it means but its the walk not the talk that shows sincerity, and ya gotta have a little faith babe don't analyze things too much, take time to enjoy the ride.
BTW come and post in my journal every now and then and share the love mate.
have a great week mate and give your little girl a hug from me.