tuesday...and tmr i finally get a day off!! yay me! i get home for work today...only home for like...30 mins...and a friend i work with calls me up...'can you work my hours tmr? i'm stuck in san diego' me...'ummm...hell no...8 days in a row? my body doesn't not comprehend' lol so how's everyone else's week going?
oh and sonofja thanks for the advice...but 1 down already...i didn't even have to cut him loose...he cut himself loose...didn't call for 2 days...buh bye! communication is key to me
eric1701 berniemay said to tell you she got her webcam
ya'll be good now! hehehe ya right!
take care everbody!

My week has been just great, I'm still in the honey moon period in my new job as a call center manager for a small company in Brisbane, they still think I'm the best thing to happen to them as of late, so you can be sure that I'll milk that for all it's worth haha.
Anyway good luck with the 2 boys that are left and let me know how it goes.
Have a great week your hottness and give your little girl a hug from me.