So a friend Bought me access to this site, he's a little impulse, but extremely sweet...It's a very interesting site and i'm hopeing to make new friends here, listen to some new philosophy's. I dont have a boyfriend, but there is one person who i'm hopeing wants to fill that position...but man love is just so damn complicated sometimes. Sometimes, i feel that i was completely born into the wrong era, and then when everything gets all complicated i think...i wonder if love was this complicated in those times? Anywayz...if you have any opinions on the subject please feel free to enlighten me...On another note, I have joined the BBW Group here on SG and when the weather lightens up am hopeing to have a friend volunteer his time and camera to help me do a set
I'm not shy by any means. Thanx to the peeps on here that want to be my friend and take the time to get to know me, I am a strong woman with strong opinions who just tends to be very weak at times lol. I am a walking contradiction. thanx for the comments to those who gave them 

hope you have a happy time here